First time seeing a real Halloween night. Where ghosts were roaming around. These ghosts won't spook you, in fact, they look cute, kinda like Casper. The only thing they do to you is steal your candies.
Ghosts with Crocs.
Besides ghosts, there are also lots of non-ghosts walking around collecting candies. There are a few coming from Hogwarts, some abandoned The Black Pearl for more treasures, and one or two trans gender trying to be scary (or cute, i can't differentiate).
Even Spiderman paid us a visit.
You should see the candies they got. It's not just sweets, they are willing to give out candy bars, chocolates, Oreos, Pink keyrings, and even pens. After a few waves of ghosts stormed our front door, we managed to survive.
Pumpkin juice, anyone?
So, it's the turn of the little kids around my house to steal candies. I followed them, hoping to get some shots of cool decorated houses.
This looks kinda cute.
No, the pic's not upside down.
Come to think of it, at this night, how do you differentiate a ghost from these kids? Hhmm....