Tuesday, September 25, 2007, Blabbered by pyroboy1911 at 5:57 pm
Just a short post to all those who are celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival. It is customary for family members to gather together on this day an have a big feast, laughing away at stupid jokes and have a chopstick battle over a chicken drumstick. Well, for those who is in the same situation as me, i celebrate this event alone. or maybe i don't celebrate it myself. I din even bother buying a mooncake to eat.

Friends have been asking me "How are you going to celebrate zhong qiu jie?" , and i always reply "is there a need to celebrate, since celebrating alone has no meaning at all?"

On second thought, maybe i should celebrate it, alone or with family members. So i treated myself with McChicken. Well, it's not a traditional chinese food, but who cares, as long as i feel nice about it.

Oh well, at least i know i won't be celebrating Chinese New Year alone, that's for sure.

Again, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!!!
7 Comment(s):

At 12:00 am, Blogger Sherp

i didnt realise its such a big deal to celebrate it :) but nice to know you had Mcchicken. :P


At 12:12 am, Blogger pyroboy1911

DYKT it's the second most important event in chinese calendar after CNY? :P


At 4:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

whats with everyone and chicken!?


At 8:11 pm, Blogger pyroboy1911

it's not about everyone and chicken... it's about YOU and chicken...


At 4:21 pm, Blogger LX

Speaking of which... arh! I don't even have CNY to celebrate next year, thanks to EXAMS! IShkk.. Anyway, Sherp, it used to be quite a deal to celebrate when Mama was around. We would 'makan besar' together. And the kids would have fun at the lantern parade at Bumiko. Oh well.. we're all grown up now..


At 4:26 pm, Blogger pyroboy1911

it's always nice to celebrate this kind of things with family members. that's why i'm oredi looking forward to CNY, although it's like five months away...


At 11:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

But then we'd be in bintulu instead of miri...


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