Wednesday, July 29, 2009, Blabbered by pyroboy1911 at 8:20 pm
Hhhmm, it's been nearly 3 weeks since my last post, and i barely realized it. I guess there's been quite some activity during the holidays from then till now, from going out with mates to my trip to Sydney, then back to Uni. At this rate, my yearly post will still be less than my monthly post back in 2008! Anyway, just a short post to tell you that i am still alive. Uni started, and after a barely above par result last semester, i am hoping to step up my effort in studying, but as always it's probably all talk. Guess i really have been losing the will to blog anymore. Now i am perfectly fine by not blogging, while a few years back i would get restless if my blog is not updated after 5 days. I wonder if i should continue with writing posts, or finally hang up my boots or rather, keyboard. That, i will leave for next time to think about. As of now, in the process of applying a work permit for a possible future work experience, plus a resolution of at least a light study every night about the lectures. Trying to get the most out of life rather than spend in under my quilt, albeit tempting. Will try to update more often in the future!