This is not a sponsored post, fyi.
I stumbled upon this website when i was looking around (as usual) , and it is called JustSayHi. This website provides cool widgets and stuff that you can put on your blog. I tried the Blog Rater out first to test how clean is my blog. My result:
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
Dangerous (2X), Hell (1X)
Woot! Clean! I'm not that bad after all.
next, i tried out, since his vocabulary is very colourful.
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
Erection (2x), crap (1X)
As expected. Next, let's see how bad is Mimosa's Mind.
This rating was determined based on the presence of the following words:
Suicide (3X), pain (2X), puke (1X)
Uh Oh. looks like someone needs a better vocabulary usage...
After getting the certification of my blog's cleanliness, i tried other stuff from that site. Among them: