Sunday, September 10, 2006, Blabbered by pyroboy1911 at 10:35 pm
Last night is the night where the MRCS community of SMK Bintulu gathered to bear witness of the changing of new BODs for next year.....i'll juz let the pictures do the talking...

New BODs singing the Lagu PBSM.

Old President Tan Yong Liang giving his speech.

Mark performing.

Kuo Chun performing.

Mei Mei drinking out of milk bottle in a game.

Esther(sister) decorating Dennis (Brother).

Esther and Dennis posing for their artwork.

5S4 have their class pictures.

Well, that's most of wat happened last night....of course, there are food...but i'm busy eating them, not taking photoes of them....

1 Comment(s):

At 11:33 pm, Blogger Sherp

mmm.. seems so fun, i think if u had taken photos of the food, it'll just be cruel to me.. coz i would really wanna eat those yummy yummy food! no matter what they are =D


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